Organizational rules and discipline
At the beginning of your studies, you must familiarize yourself with Riveria’s organizational rules and commit to complying with them.
Rules of Order at Riveria / Inappropriate behavior / Serious violations / Hearing and deciding on discipline / Disciplinary action at Riveria / Right to inspect students’ belongings
Rules of Order at Riveria
With the help of common guidelines, we can build a safe and comfortable Riveria. At the beginning of your studies, you must familiarize yourself with Riveria’s rules of order and follow them throughout your studies. Organizational rules apply to both staff and students.
We expect everyone to follow the rules of order. Failure to follow the rules will result in penalties.
Forms of punishment at Riveria
- written warning
- temporary dismissal from the educational institution
- temporary expulsion from the student dormitory or
- expulsion from the dormitory for the remainder of the studies
(513/2017, 85-86§)
We react to inappropriate behavior in different learning environments
At Riveria, ensuring the safety and well-being of all our students and staff is important! This is the reason why we intervene in case of behavior that disturbs others and goes against the instructions.
We intervene
- if you act against the rules of order
- if there is bullying, sexual harassment, discrimination, racist behavior, disturbing, offensive or threatening behavior
- if you do not use appropriate work or safety equipment in a teaching situation
- if you use the phone, play games or listen to music that is not related to teaching
- if you enjoy your own snacks or drinks inappropriately in a teaching space
- if you wear outerwear in warm classrooms and teaching spaces
Removing a student from a class
If you behave inappropriately in a lesson or in another teaching situation, the teacher and/or principal may order you to leave for the remainder of the lesson. The teacher makes a note of this in Wilma.
Serious violations of the rules of order at Riveria
Serious violations of the organizational rules always lead to temporary dismissal. According to Riveria’s rules of order and Riveria’s dormitories’ rules of order
serious code of conduct violations are:
- bullying, sexual harassment, discrimination, racist behavior, harassing, offensive or threatening behavior
- guests in the dormitory outside visiting hours
- possession, use, distribution of alcohol, drugs and other substances, or appearing under their influence in the dormitory area or in study-related situations outside the educational institution. Also possession of instruments related to the use of narcotic substances in the dormitory area.
- tampering with security technology or vandalism
Hearing before discipline
Before the disciplinary action, you will be consulted. In the written hearing, you can present your own view of what happened and tell the director of education what you think about the proposed disciplinary action.
If you are a minor, your guardian will also be consulted. If the consultation is organized as a separate meeting, you can bring along a support person or a study care employee if you wish.
Deciding on disciplinary action
At Riveria, students are treated equally and disciplinary punishments are not decided by the teaching staff alone.
- The written warning is always decided by the director/principal of the municipal corporation based on the proposal of the director of education
- Temporary expulsion from the educational institution is decided by the Student Affairs Committee on the basis of the director of education’s proposal
- The student affairs committee decides on dismissal from the dormitory based on the pedagogical director’s proposal
- The cancellation and restoration of the right to study in SORA fields is also decided by the Student Affairs Committee. Cancellation of the right to study is presented by the director of education

Disciplinary action at Riveria
Written warning and temporary dismissal from the educational institution
A written warning may be issued if
- you are disrupting the lesson
- you behave violently or threateningly in a study environment
- you act fraudulently or otherwise violate the order of the educational institution or other study environment
- you refuse to present a certificate for a drug test or
- according to the drug test certificate, you have used narcotics for non-medical purposes in such a way that your ability to function has weakened. (513/2017, §85)
Temporary dismissal from the educational institution can be granted if
- the act or omission is serious
If you continue to misbehave after receiving a written warning, you may be suspended from the institution for a period of up to one year. The compulsory student can be dismissed for a maximum of three months.
Written warning and temporary expulsion from the dormitory
A written warning can be given if you break the rules of order in the dormitory.
- using alcohol/intoxication in the dormitory,
- Overnight guests in the dormitory,
- violent behavior (covers both mental and physical abuse) and
- willful violation of educational institution/dormitory property
Temporary expulsion/expulsion from the dormitory for the remaining period of your studies: you can be expelled from the dormitory,
- if your act or omission is serious
- if you continue to behave after receiving a written warning, you may be expelled from the dormitory for a specified period or for the remainder of your studies.
Denial of the right to study for three days
In some cases, you may also be denied the right to study for three working days. Denying the right to study for three days is used when there is a risk that your safety or someone else’s safety will suffer due to violent or threatening behavior. Refusal can also result if teaching or related activities become unreasonably difficult due to disruptive behavior.
During the three-day denial of the right to study, you will be given the opportunity to talk with a curator or a psychologist. In addition, a plan will be made for you to support your return to studying.
The right to inspect the student’s belongings
When you come to school, we expect you to not have any substances or objects with you that are prohibited by law.
Alcohol and tobacco products are prohibited for minors. Substances and objects that can harm or endanger one’s own safety or the safety of others are forbidden at Riveria. For example, edged weapons are considered such items.
The teacher and the principal are allowed to check your belongings and clothes during the school day when there is a danger that you could use an object or substance to endanger your own health or the health of others.
If necessary, pockets, bags, pencil cases, wallets, as well as cabinets and desks under your control can also be checked. However, this is very rare. In addition, the outer sides of the student’s clothes can be felt.
By committing to the common rules, we avoid unpleasant inspections!