Support for guardians
The aim of this page is to strengthen cooperation between the home and the educational institution, supporting guardians in their educational task. Here you can find information about current issues and phenomena related to young people’s lives. Support is provided by many parties for different situations.
Services for students
Support for parents
Email to Finnish Police’s department of preventive work in North Karelia
Bullying and discrimination
The mediation office of North Karelia (in Finnish)
Crime victim Support Finland – Contact information
The Finnish polices’s prevention of cybercrime committed by young people
Information about intoxicants
Siun Sote Huoli puheeksi (in Finnish)
Information about drugs (in Finnish)
Topical phenomenas
Support for harassment, bullying, abuse and sexual violence on social media: For you in social media – Sua varten somessa
Youth Exit offers 13–29-year-olds information about their own limits and the right to sexual self-determination, support in situations of sexual violence and harassment. For parents (in Finnish)
Väestöliitto – sexual harrasment and sexual violence (in Finnish)
Mielenterveystalo.fi – How to recognize sexual harassment and sexual violence (in Finnish)
Other support
The Eating Disorder Association of Finland offers support for those suffering from eating disorders, and for their close friends and family.
Joensuun mielenterveys ry/Joensuu mental health association (in Finnish)
MIELI Mental Health Finland – Support and help
Help for parents – Nuortenexit (in Finnish)
EHYT Finnish Association for Substance Abuse Prevention / Does digital gaming cause concern?
Dialogikasvatus – support for parenting (in Finnish)
Tools for talking about violence guidebook (in Finnish)
Mielenterveystalo: Youth mental health (in Finnish)
Mielenterveystalo: Mental health – support for the next of kin (in Finnish)
Telephone and online help services in Finland (in Finnish)
This material has been produced by the project Jengiytymisen ja rikollisuuden ehkäiseminen Pohjois-Karjalassa.