Rules and guidelines for using the network and devices

“The fact that an action is not prohibited does not mean that carrying it out is appropriate or in accordance with good manners.”

Rules, principles and problematic situations / Usernames and passwords / 
Microsoft 365
 / Use of computer labs

The use of digital technology is an essential part of studying 

Information systems are designed to facilitate work, and therefore it is important that the systems operate flawlessly and are secure. Every internet user is responsible for their own actions while using the internet, even though the network or system administrators may impose restrictions on the use of their own network.

Rules, principles and problematic situations

Students will become familiar with the specific usage rules(siirryt toiseen palveluun, avautuu uuteen ikkunaan) and practices of Riveria’s network and information systems at the beginning of their studies with the guidance of their personal trainer and other teachers. The rules must be accepted during the Microsoft login process. In case of issues, students should contact Eduhelppari or their teacher, through whom a malfunction ticket can be made to Riveria’s Helpdesk if necessary. Therefore, students do not directly contact Riveria’s Helpdesk themselves.

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Helpdesk for students

Joensuu, Peltola
Riveria house C318

monday – thursday 8 – 15
friday 8 – 14

+358 50 470 4280

Usernames and passwords

First network login

Registration in the Microsoft 365 Security Information Portal (for two-factor authentication ja password reset)

Changing your password

Forgotten password recovery or unlocking

A student’s Wilma account is the same as their Riveria network account. To log in to Wilma, use the “Riveria verkon tunnus” button on the page toiseen palveluun). You cannot change the network credentials in Wilma; this must be done at toiseen palveluun).

Microsoft 365

As a Riveria student, you have access to Microsoft 365 services. You can log in to the service using your Riveria email address at toiseen palveluun) or toiseen palveluun). Microsoft 365 is also available on mobile devices. Microsoft 365 offers the following services, among others:

Use of computer labs

Logging into Riveria computers is done using your email address.

Any faults or misuse should be reported immediately to a teacher or other staff member for issue resolution and clarification of responsibility.

It’s advisable not to save important files on the institution’s workstations, as they may be lost during maintenance or workstation changes. Files that are saved should at least be backed up to personal storage, such as the OneDrive service.

In computer labs, LanSchool software is used as a tool for teaching and guidance. Teachers can manage students’ activities from their own computers and see the software students have open.

To ensure privacy, students should avoid handling personal information during class sessions.