Personal study path

Here you can get basic information about starting studies for degree education and TUVA education. Check out the whole guide, it’s worth it!

Personal competence development plan (PCDP)

Together with your personal coach, you prepare a personal competence development plan (PCDP)(siirryt toiseen palveluun, avautuu uuteen ikkunaan) at the beginning of your studies. In this plan

  1. the goals for studying are defined
  2. your previously acquired skills are taken into account
  3. the studies needed for the degree are defined
  4. the timeline, methods and locations of your studies are defined
  5. the necessary study support and, if necessary, special support are planned
  6. a career plan for post-graduation is drawn up.

The goals and needs recorded in PCDP guide the planning and implementation of the studies. The guardian or legal representative of a minor student has the opportunity to participate in the preparation and updating of PCDP. PCDP is drawn up on the Wilma PCDP form. HOKS-ohje opiskelijalle(siirryt toiseen palveluun, avautuu uuteen ikkunaan) (pdf). LÖYTYYKÖ ENGLANNINKIELISENÄ VAI POISTETAANKO LINKKI?

Before preparing the PCDP, you will familiarize yourself with the structure, content and ways of studying at Riveria under the guidance of your personal coach.

Remember to keep your PCDP up to date!

At the end of your studies, you will update your employment and/or postgraduate study plan together with your personal coach.

Rights and responsibilities

As a Riveria student you have various rights, obligations, benefits and opportunities. On this page you will find information about these issues and opportunities to influence things related to studying. When you take care of your rights and act according to different rules and instructions, studying gets more effortless.

If you wish, you can participate in the development of vocational education on campus, in the entire educational institution, and nationally through various influencing channels.

As a student, you can make a difference

When you actively give feedback on the training and also participate in processing the feedback, you are involved in the development of Riveria’s entire operation. You can give feedback in many different ways: direct and immediate feedback to the person responsible for the activity, written or oral Course feedback to the responsible teacher, and annual student surveys.

Costs and fees

Non-compulsory education

You may incur costs for school trips, book purchases, card/passport fees, work clothes and equipment, study trips or living costs during workplace learning in a different location or abroad. We recommend getting your own laptop, as most of the study materials are electronic.

Some vocational and specialized vocational degrees have a study fee.

Do you have any questions? Contact us