Guidance counselling
Students have the right for personal and other kinds of guidance during their studies.
In all phases of your studies, you can discuss matters related to your studies, the progress of your studies and future planning with your guidance counsellor. The discussions are confidential. You can also talk to the guidance counsellor if you have thoughts about further studies or for example discontinuing your studies.
The guidance counselors help students as individual or group tutoring.
Guidance counsellors in Riveria
Joensuu Jukolankatu
- Land surveying
- Mining, land and infrastructure construction
- Forestry
- Logistics
Hannele Kasurinen
Guidance counsellor
Industry and bioeconomy
Joensuu Niittylahti
Silja Niittymäki
Guidance counsellor
Well-being and health
Joensuu Niskala
- Food production, restaurant and catering
- Tourism

Joensuu Peltola
- Vehicle technology
- Agriculture (animal care, horticulture)
- Food production, restaurant and catering
- Hairdressing and beauty care
- Laboratory technology
- Construction, wood processing and surface treatment technology

- Business and entrepreneurship

- Education and guidance
- Culture
Silja Niittymäki
Guidance counsellor
Well-being and health
- Machine and production technology
- Cleaning and property services
- Building maintenance technology

Tanja Piirainen
Guidance counsellor
Industry and bioeconomy
- Social and health care

Silja Niittymäki
Guidance counsellor
Well-being and health
- Electricity, process and automation industry
- Information and communication technology
- Safety



Nurmes ja Valtimo

- Media and visual expression
- Art industry
- Dance
- Machine and production technology
- Mining
- Preparatory education and training in foreign language

- Social and health care

Pirjo-Anneli Hämäläinen-Kainulainen
Well-being and health
Parallel studies
Continuous admission

Tytti Turpeinen
Career counselor
Qualification education
Career guidance and pathway studies

Tytti Turpeinen
Career counselor
Qualification education